Minimise stock-outs and supercharge cash-flow with intelligent forecasting
Take the guess-work out of purchasing with purpose-built inventory forecasting platforms designed to help you achieve optimal efficiency. Gain a deeper understanding of your supply chain and know exactly when to place your next order while maintaining the balance of minimising stock-outs and avoiding overstock.
Order planning
Plan for large customer orders independent of your forecast to ensure you have enough stock to meet demand across all channels.
Maximise cash-flow
Structure your purchasing to sell through all of your stock before your supplier invoice falls due to maximise cash-flow.
Facilitate purchasing independently by warehouse, 3PL or retail location to ensure stock is where it needs to be.
Handle replenishment transfers to any location in your business with ease to ensure you don't get caught short.
Combined purchasing
View demand by warehouse/location, or aggregate demand from all locations to get a full view of what needs to be purchased.
Identify dead stock
Powerful tools to identify slow moving products to put on promotion, and clear shelf space for better performing products.
Intuitive planning
Understand your demand for finished goods across different sales channels to plan for production.
Use the same powerful forecasting to plan your procurement of raw materials to fulfil planned production jobs.
Visualise your entire supply chain on a calendar, and never miss a purchase order or production job again.
Achieve a lean supply chain through employing technology
Whether you are a wholesaler/distributor, a retailer or a manufacturer, having an efficient supply chain is the lifeblood of your business. Striking a balance between being able to fill sales from your customers and not tying up too much cash into slow-moving products is vital to your survival. Do away with inefficient Excel spreadsheets, and instead employ software integrated with your cloud ERP.
Using a combination of your present stock levels, sell-through rate, supplier lead time and days of stock, you are able to generate an accurate forecast. This inventory forecast can in turn then be used to generate purchase orders at the click of a button. Keep your finger on the pulse of your inventory across locations, and put slow-moving products on promotion to clear shelf space.

Powerful operational systems to complement inventory forecasting
Having an effective cloud ERP solution tailored to your business is essential for inventory forecasting, as it relies on good quality sales, stock and product data. There are a variety of systems out there designed to fit specific use-cases, and will greatly decrease the time investment to forecast stock.
How can ALTSHIFT help me?
Our range of services include systems review and selection, digital transformation strategies, complex data migration, implementation, project management, integration and support. We’re here to help you get the most out of your software investment.